Season Sum Up for 2023-2024
Thanks to all the local regular buyers from our small roadside stall, DIY brides and of course our lovely florists! We had an absolute blast growing this season
Exciting New News!
Hello flower friends and family! Its been a while since we have updated our news page so I thought I’ll write a quick update for you all. As it is winter, we have no flowers to pick and sell at the moment but there are a few flowers related exiting new for you all. So without further delay here are our plans
Spring is here!
Spring is here! Firstly I would like to apologise that I missed last month’s article. For everyone who are reading these, you are much appreciated and your feedback is listened. I am sorry I missed August but it seems to be the month of random events for me. One thing that happened and we are still recovering from it is a huge
Winter wonderland or what do we do all day
With frosts and rain and snow here, people often assume that this is our quiet time and we as seasonal flower farmers don’t have to do much during the 3 months of winter. Well you are almost correct. Yes we quite often do not have flowers to cut and sell, however there is still plenty to do in winter. I find