Lilies and Instagram
Hello flower lovers. I have exciting news! This month I stopped resisting and bought lilies! Once again I’ve bought a whole heap of different varieties and can’t wait for them to arrive and be planted. Lilies have always captivated us all with gorgeous aroma and big, bright blooms. I have always thought about growing them but never really attempted this so wish me luck! This is my first attempt. Below there is a few varieties that I am about to try and grow. Unfortunately most of these varieties are quite expensive to buy so I only got 1 or 2 bulbs this season and I will try and not screw things up here. I’ve got a few mixes as well to try and get some different colours. As always please feel free to write to me any questions or potentially requests on what you would like me to grow. And for now keep an eye on the progress by following us on Instagram @alpine_blooms_farm
See you all later.
Check out a longer article on progress on Hoop houses and Plastic houses that we have up and running on the farm.