Goodbye 2020
Last couple of weeks of 2020 and I am sure we are all looking forward to a new year and new adventures. This year has been challenging in many ways for many people and it had its mark on the floral industry. For starters, our customer base shrunk with less people being able to afford flowers just as a treat, florists
The Wedding Season
As we have all been told to stay at home, I will be using this time to try and sort out my farm planning for next year. Buying seeds, time planning and ordering perennials and shrubs that should hopefully arrive after the lock down and give me more work for winter months to come. However I would like to dedicate
Summer Goodies
Summer is here and we have lots of different flowers available like Cosmos, Zinnias, Dahlias, Foxgloves, Snapdragons and more!
I love Tulips! They are definitely my favourite producers this year. I've got some great purchases of varieties for next year so keep an eye out.
Winter Rose
Hellebores - the Winter Rose. We just got a whole lot of these beauties in amazing different varieties which work perfectly for winter weddings and bouquets
Hoop Houses and Plastic Houses
So tunnel houses and glass house are all full of seedlings or seed trays for now.
Lilies and Instagram
I have exciting news! This month I stopped resisting and bought lilies! Lilies have always captivated us all with gorgeous aroma and big, bright blooms.
Look out for some beautiful roses from November 2019
My peony roots are getting dug out and are on their way to come and live at Alpine Blooms! I am still buzzing from receiving this news and here I talk about what these incredible flowers mean to me.
My Dream
Alpine Blooms farm has always been a dream of mine. Ever since I moved to New Zealand and studied Horticulture I somehow knew I would always end up with my own flower paradise.